Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Reflections by Bryan

From this memorable trip, I have learnt extensively of the history of malacca. And only until I went to malacca that I knew it was the world heritage city. The city had many beautiful buildings and uniqueness in the city. And I have learnt why the buildings had large windows:) The city had be ruled by many other countries in the past. I have also learnt that malacca has used much of it's land for agro tourism.   Regards, Bryan

Monday, June 6, 2011

Reflections by Chester

So it happened. We went to Malacca on the 3rd and 4th of Malacca. We started off early in the morning, in school. Everyone was somewhat excited, with a tinge of oblivion. Not knowing what would probably happen in Malacca. So eventually, we all found ourselves stuck at the Malaysian Checkpoint. Jumping queues, hoping that we will get the fastest line to get our passports chopped. Thereafter, everything went quiet. Listening to our Tour Guide, Aunty Molly, was most interesting. We learnt much about Malacca. Alot. It made me realize how Rich is this lil' state of Malacca. Not rich in the sense of wealth. But rich in how much value Malacca holds. All the many many things that happened to her. And how she overcame these plights. We visited places like a Herbs and Spices farm, which carried a good amount of 6000 different Herbs and Spices, which was spread over a land worth of 3200 acres of land. We got to try different teas, which was something new. The highlight of the day would most probably be Dinner. It was my first time trying Peranakan food. It was oddly good. Although some of the dishes did not agree with my taste buds, it was still okay. That made me think how humble a certain meal can be. Simple food with lots of culture. Yum. Jonker Street was also very awesome. Reminded me of the time when I was young. I frequently visited that place. Fond memories. Day two was not as interesting as day one.. But it was still great. Went to St Francis Xavier's Church. I was actually quite shocked at how this noble man made what Malacca is today, bringing Christian Faith to Malacca. And finding out that his body was nicely preserved also gave me the chills, but it was a weirdly good one. Shopping was alright. Hanging out with friends, having a nice drink. It all boils down to the little things in life that makes it so wonderful. I would like to thank all the Teachers that made this trip possible. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!! :D